Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sight (what should've been posted yesterday)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Class Last Week
Bringing Life to What If
What if America was never discovered?
I saw this question and my interpretation of it was...'what if Columbus didnt get lost?'
And here is my predication as to what the world may have been like today.

Monday, September 15, 2008
50 'What If' Questions
1. What if you like big butts and cannot lie?
2. What if the moon was made of cheese?
3. What if the moon was made of cheesecake?
4. What if you push it to the limit?
5. What if your girlfriend was hot like me?
6. What if your girlfriend was a freak like me?
7. What if you had scissor hands?
8. What if you were married to a cow?
9. What if God was one of us?
10. What if Chuck Norris appeared in your bathroom?
11. What if the sky did fall?
12. What if pigs could fly?
13. What if you were attacked by Manbearpig?
14. What if you were cereal?
15. What if you had a gold member?
16. What if it was raining men?
17. What if you made the devil cry?
18. What if Oreos ate you?
19. What if you could eat your own face?
20. What if time wasted you?
21. What if there were no ‘What if’ questions?
22. What if you bathe in a tub of hot acid?
23. What if it was butter?
24. What if cocoa pebbles didn’t exist?
25. What if everyone was blind?
26. What if dreams where real?
27. What if you could lick your own elbow?
28. What if the earth stopped moving?
29. What if you were a gummy bear?
30. What if girls went wild?
31. What if Canada went on strike?
32. What if Santa did exist?
33. What if you could Hassle the Hoff?
34. What if the world ran out of manatees?
35. What if the Vikings ran Zimbabwe?
36. What if M&Ms came to life?
37. What if Freud was right?
38. What if TVs watched us?
39. What if Pluto was still a planet?
40. What if time ran backwards?
41. What if LOST never finishes?
42. What if Hitler decided to stick to painting?
43. What if the Universe was held within a Ziploc Bag?
44. What if Kellogs Frosties weren’t Grrrrrrreat?
45. What if Britain wasn’t Great?
46. What if you could touch this?
47. What if the Pentagon had 6 corners?
48. What if the White house was Green?
49. What if Pythagoras didn’t make his theories?
50. What if I didn’t come up with 50 questions?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Favorite Egg Assigment
Monday, September 1, 2008
Diving in the bible with a pair of goggles and speedos
"Two monks were watching a flag fluttering in the wind. One said, 'it's the wind that moves.' The other said, 'I disagree, it's the flag that moves.' But a Zen patriarch standing nearby, said, 'it's not the wind nor the flag...it's the mind that moves.'