Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today I decided to focus on my sense of smell, and I have to admit that it wasnt very easy, especially since i follow similar routines everyday, my nose doesnt get introduced to many new smells, only the smells its already used to smelling. I did however, go to my aunts house today, and on route there is a fantastic waste management plant and my god did that get my sense of smell buzzing. That had to have been the 'highlight' of my nose's day, smelling the incredible stench of Carmel's shit.

Sight (what should've been posted yesterday)

Monday during class seemed like serendipity yet again, as we were asked to focus on one of each sense everyday of the week, coincidentally recently I made the switch from glasses to contact lenses, so for the last 6 days I've been going through my trail to see if i really want contacts. Let me be the first to say, I enjoy the contacts, but getting used to them after wearing glasses for a a year is a bitch! I get dizzy alot and i seem to go in and out of focus every now and then...not sure if thats supposed to happen, good thing i've got the appointment with the doctors.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Class Last Week

Last week, class was like no class I've ever had before and it was great. First rolling around the IT building in a chair was lots of fun, the most amusing part was seeing the expression on peoples faces as we rolled passed them...just priceless. And soon after I ended up rolling down a hill at the canal which was also surprisingly fun and it allowed me to do something outside of what I would normally do in public, it was a great experience for me, and allowed me to break out of my shell.

Bringing Life to What If

I don't know if this constitutes bringing life to a what if question but I thought this question would be fun to 'answer'.

What if America was never discovered?

I saw this question and my interpretation of it was...'what if Columbus didnt get lost?'

And here is my predication as to what the world may have been like today.

Monday, September 15, 2008

50 'What If' Questions

1. What if you like big butts and cannot lie?

2. What if the moon was made of cheese?

3. What if the moon was made of cheesecake?

4. What if you push it to the limit?

5. What if your girlfriend was hot like me?

6. What if your girlfriend was a freak like me?

7. What if you had scissor hands?

8. What if you were married to a cow?

9. What if God was one of us?

10. What if Chuck Norris appeared in your bathroom?

11. What if the sky did fall?

12. What if pigs could fly?

13. What if you were attacked by Manbearpig?

14. What if you were cereal?

15. What if you had a gold member?

16. What if it was raining men?

17. What if you made the devil cry?

18. What if Oreos ate you?

19. What if you could eat your own face?

20. What if time wasted you?

21. What if there were no ‘What if’ questions?

22. What if you bathe in a tub of hot acid?

23. What if it was butter?

24. What if cocoa pebbles didn’t exist?

25. What if everyone was blind?

26. What if dreams where real?

27. What if you could lick your own elbow?

28. What if the earth stopped moving?

29. What if you were a gummy bear?

30. What if girls went wild?

31. What if Canada went on strike?

32. What if Santa did exist?

33. What if you could Hassle the Hoff?

34. What if the world ran out of manatees?

35. What if the Vikings ran Zimbabwe?

36. What if M&Ms came to life?

37. What if Freud was right?

38. What if TVs watched us?

39. What if Pluto was still a planet?

40. What if time ran backwards?

41. What if LOST never finishes?

42. What if Hitler decided to stick to painting?

43. What if the Universe was held within a Ziploc Bag?

44. What if Kellogs Frosties weren’t Grrrrrrreat?

45. What if Britain wasn’t Great?

46. What if you could touch this?

47. What if the Pentagon had 6 corners?

48. What if the White house was Green?

49. What if Pythagoras didn’t make his theories?

50. What if I didn’t come up with 50 questions?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Favorite Egg Assigment

My favorite egg assignment had to be Egg & Zachly because I enjoyed the comedic way it portrayed the frustration most of us felt during that project, I always enjoy laughing at myself so this was a fun project to look at and just laugh because its one of those "thats just how I felt" moments. Nice work.



Monday, September 1, 2008

Diving in the bible with a pair of goggles and speedos

I managed to open up the "bible" to page 128 which pretty much talks about how the mind is not only in the head but travels around the whole body. It was quite the philosphy lesson, and since philosphy tend to fly right over my head so i had to read it over a few times, but eventually I managed to grasp the concept and I agree with it. The author said he tried to close his eyes and concentrate on exactly where his mind is, but he couldnt seem feel that his mind was cruising, he felt it was stationary at the top of his head. I tried this exercise and I felt that my mind was also stationary, but not in my head, but in my heart, I can't explain why but thats where it seems to be hovering at the moment, it is a very interesting feeling to have after you've read this page and I'm sure I will be tracking my mind more often than I have been. I'll close with a quote on page 128.5, because I thought it was perfectly true:

"Two monks were watching a flag fluttering in the wind. One said, 'it's the wind that moves.' The other said, 'I disagree, it's the flag that moves.' But a Zen patriarch standing nearby, said, 'it's not the wind nor the flag...it's the mind that moves.'

Come out little Birdy! (The Egg)

When I first brought this egg home, I had no freakin clue what to do with it. The first day I stared at it for hours (ok...fine...a couple of minutes) and I even took the class name literally and tilted my head sideways hoping for a new perspective but alas no ideas...and then it came to me...i thought I have the egg sit on this nice furry cup coaster my cousin made for me and lay my arm over it to keep it warm...why you ask...to see if it would hatch of course! We had a fantastic week headbanging to some metal and downloading some...uh...adult entertainment...but as the week comes to a close the poor little birdy did not come out of its shell. So I feel the only thing left for me to do is to enjoy the taste of a well cooked sunny side up!